Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

Meeting 11 - Journal

Day 1
Date : 8 May 2017
First Title
The Use Of Indonesian English Code Mixing In Social Media Networking (Facebook) By Indonesian Youngsters
In communication, the relation between language and society cannot be separated. The study about the relation of language and society is called sociolinguistics. the equivalen goal in the sociology of language is trying to discover how social structure can be better understood through the study of language,
Research question (s)
Why are the reasons the youngster used code mixing  in social media?
Research procedure
The subject of the study is fifty Indonesian Facebook users which
are friend with the researcher. The object of this research is the use of code mixing which is used by all of Indonesian youngster post in their social media networking especially Facebook. The data of the research are the statuses and the chats of which are taken from Indonesian Facebook users. The data source of the research are the post expressions in the forms of sentences in youngster Facebook
between the researcher and friends and the chat between the writer with the correspondences. In collecting data the researcher employed observation and documentations. The observation is seeking the data which contain code mixing selected by the researcher.
Result/ Findings
According to the data analysis, the writer found 76 data of Indonesian
English code mixing in Facebook which consists of 48 data or 63,16 % of word (40 data single word and 8 data compound word), 1 datum or 1,32 % of blending , 7 data or 9,21 % of hybrid, 2 data or 2,63 % of word reduplication, 14 data or 18,42 % of phrase (9 data of noun phrase, 4 data of verb phrase, and 1 datum of preposition phrase) and 4 data or 5,26 % of clause.
Code mixing is the use of two languages or more by putting the linguistic elements without changing the meaning and the situation of the sentence. Based on the data analysis, the researcher found seven forms of code mixing; word, blending, hybrid, word reduplication, phrase and clause.
There are 76 data of Indonesian English code mixing in Facebook which consists of 48 data of word (40 data single word and 8 data compound 10 word), 1 datum of blending, 7 data of hybrid, 2 data of word reduplication, 14 data of phrase (9 data of noun phrase, 4 data of verb phrase, and 1 datum of preposition phrase) and 4 clause.
The researcher also found three reasons of using code mixing consists need filling motive, prestige filling motive, and the other reasons ((a) to make simple and familiar, (b) to show personal habit, (c) to stress the message, (d) to practice English, (e) to show the trend, (f) to match with the situation, (g) to show their prestige and (h) to differentiate with others).
The amount of paragraphs
26 paragraphs
What makes you interested in this journal
Because sometimes I always find the people who used code mixing in their daily life. It can be when they’re talking or in social media.
Comment after reading
At least now I know the reason of using code mixing although I still have to read more about it.
New Vocabularies found
Virtue, resident, fellow, nonce, wedge, prestige,

Second Title
Re-Entering My Space: A Narrative Inquiry Into
Teaching English As A Foreign Language In An
Imagined Third Space
Teachers and Teaching Theory and Practice 2016
After living for over three years in Australia, I submitted my thesis for examination and returned to University X, an average university in Central Mainland China. When I touched ground in my homeland, I reminded myself that my identity needed to be switched from that of an overseas doctoral candidate to that of a lecturer. On the following Tuesday, I received a call from my colleague Rose, advising me I was to teach an EFL summer course
for a cohort of undergraduates. Although I had not taught EFL for a couple of years after I left University X, I accepted this job without hesitation. I wanted to understand EFL learners in China, and I also wanted to re-enter my home space via my teaching.
Research question (s)
What is the aims the researcher use the third space in the research?
Research procedure
The first method used for data collection was participant observation. As a participant
observer, I witnessed how these participants showed their interest in western culture, such as in tales of my overseas life (they often asked me to introduce Australian culture in class).
The second method was to invite these volunteer participants to answer a questionnaire. At the end of the course, I designed a questionnaire to check whether the application of these theories had been successful or not
Result/ Findings
Twenty-five participants responded to my questionnaire, and
 some responded in English. Their contribution helped me understand the effectiveness of my experiment and their learning beyond this course.
As some participants observed,
this short course not only brought about their EFL improvement, but they learned how to live and study with others, how to re-locate their identity, and how to feel confidence in their future life, all of which are far more meaningful than the course itself. I often remember
that around one year after this course, when I came across Jack in street, he told me that he was to graduate next month and that, although he had failed his masters examination, he had got a satisfying job because of his competence in EFL spoken communication. He
thanked me for introducing him to this model for EFL learning. Such a result encouraged me to rethink this model of EFL teaching in the Chinese cultural space. At least, I felt, my experiment was meaningful; its influence would never come to an end, for both the participants
and for me.
The amount of paragraphs
37 paragraphs
What makes you interested in this journal
I interested to this journal because this is narrative research.
Comment after reading
Now I understand what the meaning of “Re- entering my space” is.
New Vocabularies found
Risky, triggers,

Day 2
Date : 9 May 2017
10.20 – 11-20
First Title
The Effectiveness of Learning Vocabulary Through Games
Vietnamese students usually feel bored in vocabulary lessons because they have not changed their learning habits, such as writing words on paper, trying to learn by heart or learning passively through the teacher's explanations. In learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all together. In order to communicate well in a foreign language, students should acquire an adequate number of
words and should know how to use them accurately.
Research question (s)
Do games help students learn vocabulary effectively, and if so, how?
Research procedure
Over a period of two weeks we tried to apply as many games as possible in our classes at the Distance Education Center
(DEC) to learn from learners'
reactions whether they liked games or not and if games could help improve their existing vocabulary. Another way for us to gather data was to interview our learners at DEC orally so that we were able to better understand their expectations, problems and progress in their process of learning vocabulary. In addition, we observed the classes of CLT teachers at HUFS, and reflected back in our journals. We also conducted a small post-class survey to elicit student's  feelings and their own experiences in learning vocabulary. A simple questionnaire was designed beforehand to help students understand clearly the purpose of the survey.
Result/ Findings
The results will be displayed in three subsections,
(i) students' expectations
and attitudes,
sometimes games create problems for both students and teachers.
Games cannot be successful if the teacher does not explain the tasks and roles of students clearly in playing games.
(ii) students' progress
students in our classes are gradually progressing in English vocabulary and games help them to learn new words and phrases that appear in the games and to recall their existing vocabulary at the same time. Generally, teachers can use the first part of a lesson, warm-up activity, for checking what students remember about the previous lesson or how many words of the topic they have.
(iii) unanticipated problems.
Learning vocabulary through games is one effective and interesting way that can be applied in any classrooms. The results of this research suggest that games are used not only for mere fun, but more importantly, for the useful practice and review of language
lessons, thus leading toward the goal of improving learners' communicative competence.
The amount of paragraphs
30 paragraphs
What makes you interested in this journal
I always play game and I want to know if the game can use as a tool in education or not.
Comment after reading
I know that games can use to education and I think it will never make us bored.
New Vocabularies found

Day 3
Date : 10 May 2017
First Title
Exploring the Lives of Songs in the Context of Young Children’s Musical Cultures
In the last ten years,the study of children’s musical identities has become a growing focus in music education research (Campbell 2002; Young 2007). Findings indicate that music educators should find ways to incorporate the music that is part of everyday life into music education curricula (Campbell & Lum 2007; Young 2007). Given that music is commonly a central part of early childhood education, educators of young children can play a key role in integrating children’s family and community musical cultures into their curricula. The development of a deeper understanding of young children’s relationships with songs can assist early childhood educators in this process.
Research question (s)
How do new songs become part of young children’s musical cultures?
·How can the musical culture of the early childhood educational setting be defined?
·How does this musical culture influence the children’s engagement with new songs?
·How do social interactions, peer relationships, home culture and gender influence children’s relationships with new songs?
·What aspects of the new songs composed by the researcher /songwriter are most engaging for children?
Research procedure
The participants at the research site represented a small sample—approximately 30 children aged from three to five years, who belonged to the Eager Beavers room at the childcare center. During visits,I interacted with children during free play, routine times such as meals, and structured group times. I adopted a reactive, least adult role (Corsaro & Molinari 2000;Mandell 1991) as much as possible, waiting for the children to interact with me, and allowing them to lead our interactions. If invited, I joined in their play. Children quite often askedto play my guitar or djembe (drum), which meant that many of our interactions were musical. However, I also read stories, dug deep holes in the sand, built block structures, assisted with puzzles, poured drinks and tied shoelaces.
Result/ Findings
They show that the children were most engaged in  singing when it was approached through play, as play allowed them agency in guiding or leading the interpretation of a song. Findings also show that,when singing,the children sought
opportunities for communication and social interaction with adults and/or peers, using their instinct for communicative musicality (Malloch & Trevarthen 2009)
to synchronize pulse and vocal quality with fellow singers.
Singing and songs add richness and pleasure to all our lives, even though they are more often
listened to than participated in. Research such as that presented
here provides evidence of the centrality of communication, relationships, and play to young
children’s singing, and ,by implication, the centrality of singing and music to children’s lives.
The amount of paragraphs
51 paragraphs
What makes you interested in this journal
I just curious to the influence of songs.
Comment after reading
It can be applied for young learners because they usually like to sing a song.
New Vocabularies found
Catchy, privilege.

Day 4
Date : 11 May 2017
First Title
The Effect Of Diary Writing On Efl Students’ Writing And Language Abilities
One way of improving writing skills is through constant writing. The more students write the more their writing skills develop. But writing has to be meaningful to the writer, and even more important, writing has to be interesting. Thus, the notion of ‘diary’ came into existence as a reaction against the traditional methods of writing where the focus is usually on the end product
stressing correctness of form and paying attention to the mechanics of writing rather than the message the writer tries to send.
Research question (s)
What are the language benefits of diary writing?
a.Does diary writing improve their overall writing?
b.Does diary writing improve their grammar?
c.Does diary writing improve their vocabulary?
d.Do the students believe diary writing helped improve their language?
Research procedure
The study was conducted in the College of Basic Education, in the English Department. It was
conducted in Fall 2014/2015 on two Advanced Writing classes, with a total of 52 students. The students were requested to write a daily diaryon any topic of their choice. The students were encouraged to write as much as they can and express themselves in different ways. In the beginning, the students wrote ten diary entries, after which the instructor collected the diaries. The instructor then read each diary and at the end of each entry wrote a comment. The comment encourages self expression and more writing. In class, the teacher pinpoints main
features in diary writing. She describes what she liked most and what she liked least. The in-class discussion does not take longer than 15 minutes, where students also discuss the difficulties they faced, and the things they might change starting the next entry. On the final week, the diaries are collected to view the amount of writing, and connect the comments with the change in writing styles and quantity.
Result/ Findings
Most students (92%) stated that diary writing was a new experience for them. Some students had
had what they called a ‘diary’
experience but appearedto be an autograph book they kept when they were in middle-school. The four students who used to write a diary wrote it in Arabic only.
This study was an attempt to investigate the influence of diary writing on EFL students’ writing and language abilities. Through utilising an open-ended questionnaire together with asking the students to write four writing essays, the study came up with a number of interesting findings. Generally speaking, the students displayed positive attitudes towards diary writing, as they highly appreciated the opportunity of experiencing the process of diary writing offered to them by their instructors.
The amount of paragraphs
41 Paragraphs
What makes you interested in this journal
I interested because I like to write diary.
Comment after reading
Although they got some difficulties, but it becomes new experience for them.
New Vocabularies found
Wise, effort.

Day 5
Date : 12 May 2017
First Title
Improving Reading Comprehension Skills through Reading Strategies Used by a Group of Foreign Language Learners
Many people think of reading as a skill that is taught once and for all in the first few years of school. They see reading as a simple process: readers decode, figure out how to pronounce each word in a text then automatically comprehend the meaning of the words as they do with their everyday spoken language. However, reading is not a straightforward process of lifting the words off the page. It is a complex problem-solving process in which the reader makes sense out of a text not just from the words and sentences on the page, but from ideas, memories, and knowledge evoked by those words and sentences as well as experience.
Research question (s)
How can reading comprehension improve by using group?
Research procedure
The subjects at the very beginning consisted of 50 second semester students majoring in business administration, economics, law, psychology, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electronics engineering, agro-industrial engineering, social communication and journalism at a private university on the northwest coast of Colombia.
During the first week of class, all subjects took a reading comprehension pre-test. Fifteen weeks later, when the subjects finished the sixty-four hour English course, they were given the same reading comprehension test as a post-test. The rationale for using exactly the same test for both pre- and post-testing was to assure an exact, comparable test, thus avoiding the problem of equating different forms of pre-test and post-test. The sixteen-week interval between administration of the test was deemed long enough to control for any short-term memory effect since subjects were not provided with the correct answers after the pre-test.
Result/ Findings
The learners were meant to summarize the main ideas from the readings provided. Although they made some mistakes, in terms of coherence and cohesion, it is evident that there was an improvement in their summaries.
it is still important to be aware of the progress of both participants and groups so that feedback can be provided based on the outcomes. When students engage in meaningful reading tasks, as Wang&Han (2001) state, their motivation increases and the effect of learning is much more powerful.
The amount of paragraphs
50 paragraphs
What makes you interested in this journal
I just curious about how the teacher can improve reading comprehension.
Comment after reading
Now I know that using group can improve reading comprehension skills.
New Vocabularies found
Accordance, schemata, retain.

Day 6
Date : 13 May 2017
First Title
When Younger Learners Can Be Better(or at Least More Open-Minded)Than Older Ones
There is a tension in the field of cognitive development. Children perform worse than adults on many measures. As they grow older, children become more focused, they plan better, and, of course, they know more. Yet very young children are prodigious learners, and they are especially good at learning about causes. Preschoolers, toddlers, and even infants construct everyday causal theories about objects, living things, and minds.
Research question (s)
How can the youngest children learn so much so quickly and accurately when their knowledge and cognitive abilities seem so limited?
Research procedure
Result/ Findings
 It is the most that the younger can be better but in some cases there are the younger learners that got some difficulties rather than older.
It is an early protected period allows young organisms to explore possibilities in an unconstrained way. This early exploratory learning, in turn, allows learners to act more effectively when they grow older (Buchsbaum, Bridgers, Weisberg, & Gopnik, 2012). Childhood may be evolution’s way of performing simulated annealing. Adults may sometimes be better at the tried and true, while children are more likely to discover the weird and wonderful. This may be because as we get older, we both know more and explore less.
The amount of paragraphs
33 paragraphs
What makes you interested in this journal
I want to know the reason that younger can be better.
Comment after reading
I can understand what make it better than older.
New Vocabularies found
Inhaling, pollen, infer, annealing.

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