Selasa, 28 Maret 2017


What you  can get
First news
Title: Venezuela cuts power for four hours a day to save energy
(Delis Despriani)

There are some reasons why the energy ministart will power cuts of their energy
1.     There are many troubles in Venezuela such as suffering from spiraling inflation shortages of some basic goods and dwinding revenue from oil.
2.    The Venezuela also known about oil.
3.     Venezuela’s energy crisis has been deepening all this year.
Second news
Title:  One killed, six injured in Bali boat collision

(Nunik Priyanti)

The incident occurred at 10 a.m. local time when a small boat carrying 13 passengers traveled from Nusa Lembongan to Toya Pakeh village in Nusa Penida.

The small boat’s captain reportedly did not see the traditional boat coming from the opposite direction because of a bamboo basket that hindered his view. He reportedly only saw the bigger boat when it was just 5 meters away.
Third news
Title: Sea ice falls to record low at both poles

The extent of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has set a new record low for the wintertime in a region strongly affected by long-term trends of global warming, U.S. and European scientists said Wednesday.
On that date, the ice covered 14.42 million square kilometers (5.57 million square miles), 97,000 square kilometers less than the previous lowest maximum that occurred February 25, 2015.

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